Friday, June 5, 2009

Puppy and Doggy by Gaelan, First Grade SES

Doggy doggy why do you grab your puppy's in you mouth?

So they won't get away.

Puppy puppy why do you suck on your mom?

Because that is my food.

Doggy doggy why do you chase cats?

Because that is a game I like to play.

Puppy puppy why are you so crazy?

Because I have so much energy.

Puppy and doggy why do you chase your tail?

Because we want to play.

Puppy and doggy I love you so much

I want you to stay with me to have fun.


  1. Gaelan,

    I really love your poem! Your puppy sounds just like our little dog, Marley...he loves to chase everything.

    Keep writing!

    From, A VERY BIG FAN!

  2. We really enjoyed reading your blog. Come and visit ours in the UK. We are a class of 10-11 year olds living in Manchester, England. We would love to know what you think.

    Class 6/5H
